Basic Usage

After installed mage executable available to you in your Terminal window. You can use this command in a number of ways:

$ mage init --name="My Awesome App" --email=""
# => Init new project. Create new .mage in the current folder

$ mage add environment --name="env_name" --enableReleases
# => Add new <env_name> environment and enable releases

$  mage deploy to:<env_name>
# => Deploy to <env_name> environment

$ mage releases rollback --release=-1 to:<env_name>
# => Rollback to previous release of <env_name> environement,
#    You must enable releases to use this command.
Magallanes unable to execute paralles

While running, Magallanes itself will create a new file called ~working.lock inside .mage folder. You have to wait until Magallanes finished the current job, before execute any new command.

For more about the possible configuration options, see the configuration page.