Directory structure

A basic Magallanes after init usually looks something like this:

├── config
│   ├── environment
│   │   ├── production.yml
│   │   └── staging.yml
│   └── general.yml
├── logs
│   ├── log-20150828-050458.log
│   ├── log-20150828-051032.log
│   ├── log-20150828-051640.log
│   ├── log-20150828-053837.log
│   └── log-20150829-160601.log
├── tasks
│   ├── Permissions.php
│   ├── SetEnvDev.php
│   └── SetEnvProd.php
└── commands
    ├── HelloWorld.php
    ├── CommitMe.php
    └── CheckUpdate.php

An overview of what each of these does:

File / Directory Description


Magallanes project-specificed folder which auto-generated after init, this folder must be inside your project root folder.


The main general.yml configuration file is stored here.


Stores all environment configuration files. The file name will be the environment name you use while deploy mage deploy to:environment_name.


If logging function is enable in general.yml, all logs will be saved in this directory.


Your custom tasks need to be put here, inside this folder, to make sure Magallanes is able read its.


Every custom command must be stored in this directory. This directory is not created by default, you need to create it manually.

Other Files/Folders

Inside environment, logs and tasks; Magallanes will auto-generate a .gitignore to execute the holy jobs. Sometime, in .mage folder, you will see ~working.lock Don't worry about it, it is Magallanes protection.